Hadeeth part (2) 40 Hadeeth of Imaam An Nawawi for Sisters.
In this course, the students will study from one of the most authentic books on this subject.
Note: There is much to cover on all these topics.
Summary of the course objective.
In this course, students will study the importance of hadeeth as a second source of legislation.
A detailed explanation will be given of Quranic verses through Hadeeth. Students will memorize the Hadeeth in the Arabic language with its translation in English with the help of their Usthaz/Usthadhaa,
This course will enable the students to extract rulings and judgments from Hadeeth and to extract benefits from Hadeeth that they can apply in their daily life.
Our courses are:
LIVE on Zoom.
This course is a group session with a minimum of 5 students.
This session will be for 2.30 minutes.
Students will have LIVE interactions with their teacher and fellow students during the session.
Requirements to attend classes:
Headset to be able to communicate with the teacher directly without background noise.
12 lessons
The aims of this stage are to enable students to :